The benefits of baby massage

In those heady, crazy moments after our baby is born (or as soon as it is feasibly possible) we are urged by our midwives to hold baby skin to skin. A memory sparks inside of us, and despite our exhaustion and delirium, we remember from our antenatal classes, our books, or maybe from a post we’ve seen on Instagram, that skin to skin after birth is so very important at this time. So they help us to wriggle down our birthing clothes and place our new, naked bundle on our chest. The midwife might remind us why it’s so vital. They might remind us that it helps with bonding, that it urges our milk to come in, and that it even helps our uterus to contract. Or maybe they’ll just be content that you’re doing it, blissful in your new love bubble, and busy themselves with the one million things they need to do in the background.

Skin to skin is perfect and ‘enough’ during those newborn weeks, but what about when baby is ready for more stimulation and you want to find new ways to enhance your time together? Baby massage could be what you are looking for.

Wonder #1 - bonding and communication

One of the reasons skin-to-skin connection helps us to bond with our baby is because it stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin. Also know as the love hormone. Our bodies flood with this hormone, and so do our babies’ bodies, communicating to them that there is safety in this new world and we are it. As with skin-to-skin cuddles, the nurturing touch that comes with a massage stimulates the release of oxytocin, communicating to our baby that we care for them and love them, and in return, their love for us grows too. It’s a bit like when you first hold hands with your crush as a teenager or when you snuggle up with your partner after a stressful day. What’s more, it’s a great way to develop eye contact, another way to bond and an early communication skill too. The more we connect with our babies in these ways, the better we get at reading their subtle cues. We start to understand what they want before they become so stressed out that they begin to cry.

Wonder #2 - body development and awareness

As well as being super relaxing for most babies, massage can assist with circulation of the blood and the strengthening of muscles. It can help with muscle tone and stiffness, as well as ridding the body of a build up of toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system. What I find most exciting, is how brilliant massage is at building a baby’s sense of bodily awareness. A baby is born with little to no perception of where they are in the world, what they look like, or even their body parts. By massaging a baby’s limbs, hands and feet, we are showing baby these these body parts belong to them and that they can grab hold of them, suck them or move them with purpose.

Wonder #3 - brain and neuro development

It’s amazing to think that by massaging our baby’s body, we are even helping to develop their brain! Massage can stimulate our nervous system because, when nurturing touch is applied, we speed up the process of myelination - a protein and fat substance that forms around the axons of our nerves. This helps to strengthen the connectivity between neurons so that information can transfer across the nervous system faster. In addition, massage helps babies come out of a state of ‘fight or flight’ and engages their parasympathetic nervous system, bringing them from stressed to relaxed. A relaxed state is perfect for brain development - we all need to be relaxed to learn and develop as humans and this is especially vital in those first few years of life. Most importantly, and perhaps the easiest to see firsthand, is that babies learn from you. Giving them the 1-1 time during a massage, allows them to learn from your expressions and interactions. You are your baby’s first teacher and undoubtedly their most important one.

Wonder #4 - ailments and discomfort

What’s one of the first things we do when we deal with an injury to ourselves or our family? We look to apply pressure to the affected area. This could be with an ice pack, a plaster, a bandage or even just a rub and a kiss. In a similar way, the pressure applied in a massage is a great way to soothe soreness or discomfort. From a teething baby, to a colicky one, there are massage strokes that you can learn to pinpoint your baby’s pain and alleviate some of their discomfort. Plus, harking back to our old friend, oxytocin. A massage can stimulate the production of the love hormone and endorphins which will naturally bring discomfort down a notch and show your baby that you are there for them as they navigate the little grievances that come with development.

Wonder #5 - socialisation

Baby massage can happen at home, but a lovely way to learn techniques, and get out of the house, is to take your baby to a baby massage class in your area. It’s a wonderful way for parents to meet others in the same boat and for babies to learn to interact with you and others in a gentle, calm environment. A good baby massage class puts parents and babies at its centre, there’s no expectation to do anything other than just be present with your baby. There should be gentle stimulation for babies, refreshments for parents and an opportunity to offload and unwind. Sounds heavenly, right?

Teeny Wonders offers classes in the BANES area, where the owner Joely has been trained by Blossom and Berry in baby massage and postnatal guidance.


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