I have developed my Teeny Wonders baby massage and baby yoga classes with two things in mind.

The first is 100 per cent love for babies. When parents and babies truly connect, magic happens. Bonds strengthen, brains develop and love grows. We bring children into this world who know they are loved and, in turn, love back.

The second is to create a welcoming space for parents where we can just be ourselves - united in this weird and wonderful parenting journey. There is no judgement, there is no competition and absolutely no expectation for babies to be on their best behaviour. I do promise yummy refreshments, opportunities to share and lots of really great content. You can join me at Farrington Gurney (near Midsomer Norton), Bishop Sutton (Chew Valley) or in Keynsham. The spaces I have chosen have ample parking and lots of space to feed and change your babies, as well as space indoors for prams and car seats.

You can learn more about me and my training or explore my blog to learn about the ancient practice of baby massage and more.

Baby Massage classes

A baby’s most evolved sense is touch. Through soothing connection, they feel they are loved, they learn about their own bodies and they develop both physically and mentally. Enable them to reap the rewards of this ancient holistic therapy, while you connect with other parents and strengthen your parent/baby bond. Yummy refreshments and freebies included. 

Baby must be 6 weeks+

Book your first block TODAY

Farrington Gurney Village Club, Mondays, 10am - 11.15pm

Fear Hall, Keynsham, Tuesdays, 9.30am - 10.45am

Wonderland Play Café, Bishop Sutton, Wednesdays, 12.30pm - 1.30pm

1-to-1 classes available too. I have 2 available slots every Friday which you can book here or contact me at joely@teenywonders.co.uk to make arrangements.

Baby Yoga classes

Baby yoga classes are a fantastic way to help babies with their growth, development and wellbeing. Through movement, songs and play, my classes are both gentle and interactive. I strive to provide just the right amount of stimulation for babies in an environment where everyone can relax and feel safe. Yummy refreshments included. 

Babies must be 10 weeks+

Book your first block TODAY

Farrington Gurney Village Club, Mondays, 11.30am - 12.45pm

Fear Hall, Keynsham, Tuesdays, 11am-12.15pm

Wonderland Play Café, Bishop Sutton, Wednesdays, 1.45pm - 2.45pm

1-to-1 and private classes available too. Contact me at joely@teenywonders.co.uk to make arrangements.

Colic Consultancy - soothe, settle and sleep

If your baby is struggling with colic, my whole heart goes out to you. Let me help you to tackle this testing time with proven strategies that ease pain for babies, and guidance to help you move through this period with strength and compassion (I will also provide a soothing hot drink and yummy goodness).

Start by emailing me at joely@teenywonders.co.uk. I will get back to you within 24 hours and will be able to see you within a week (either online or face to face). Babies from 0-4 months.

Postnatal guidance

Are you a pregnant mama wanting more information about the LIFE-ALTERING event that’s just around the corner? Bringing your baby home is both magical and mystifying and so many parents enter the fourth trimester without the confidence to thrive. This 3 hour course:

  • Bursts with practical tips to help mum (and dad) make a full postpartum recovery

  • Empowers parents to be the true experts in their own babies and to parent in their own wonderful way

Book just for you, as a couple or as a group. We can learn from the comfort of your own home or mine in Farrington Gurney. Freebies and yummy snacks are provided.

Contact me at joely@teenywonders.co.uk to make arrangements.

Any stage of pregnancy welcome.