What to expect at Teeny Wonders Baby Massage and Baby Yoga classes

If you are thinking of booking a Teeny Wonders baby massage class or baby yoga class in Farrington Gurney, Keynsham or Biahop Sutton, read through my simple guide to find out what to expect. The pictures will also give you a good idea of the venues and activities, as well as the relaxed vibe and playful atmosphere that I aim to create.


I have chosen venues with good accessibility and good parking so you won’t have to worry about being too far away from the venue before the class starts. Both Farrington Gurney Village Club and Wonderland have there own car parks with lots of space. Fear Hall, Keynsham, has a public car park right behind the venue (Ashton Way Car Park) where parking is just 60p for 2 hours. There is plenty of room inside each venue for your prams, car seats, carriers and baby bags. You can change your baby’s nappy and feed your baby in the room, there’s also space to move around with your baby if they need to be soothed in this way. The toilets have changing facilities too. When you arrive, take your time to settle and choose your mat. There’s no rush, I get started once everybody has arrived but I am not worried about late comers… babies have there own schedules after all!

Getting going

Both baby massage and baby yoga start with a check in so each parent gets a chance to discuss their week and anything that’s gone on with baby that they wish to discuss. You can celebrate successes, rant, vent, ask opinion and questions… this is a safe space and it never gets judgemental. You can simply tell me that not much has changed since last week and we can swiftly move to the next parent. I love giving parents the space to offload but equally I don’t want to make anybody feel uncomfortable. If there’s health specifics that come up in this time, I will always do my best to help, reassure, or signpost you to someone who can. My training with Blossom and Berry means I have some postnatal training, but it has also connected me to a wealth of amazing professionals who may be able to help if that’s what you want.

The routine - baby massage classes

In Teeny Wonders baby massage classes, every week we focus on a new area of the body. We then revisit any areas we have massaged the previous weeks.

Week 1 - legs

Week 2 - tummy, chest and legs

Week 3 - arms, tummy, chest and legs

Week 4 - face, arms, tummy, chest and legs

Week 5 - back, face, arms, tummy, chest and legs

Week 6 - full body massage (end of term themes e.g. My first Christmas)

While we massage, I accompany the strokes with details of how the strokes are helping your baby. We also sing songs and rhymes, take time to stretch and do additional helpful tips and tricks to aid with congestion, digestion, crossing the midline etc.

If at any time, you need to stop to look after your baby, please do. I will judge whether to carry on or not. What’s most important is that you are able to respond to your baby’s cues and needs, don’t worry about the class… you do you.

The routine - baby yoga classes

We begin each class with some breathwork and a full body stretch for the parents, including some extra important pelvic floor work. During this time babies can sit or lie down to watch you, or play on the central play mat. They tend to enjoy seeing their parents making shapes and doing movements but if they’re unhappy, of course you can stop to soothe them.

After the stretch, we bring babies into the routine! We do some gentle strength work on our abs and arms all while bouncing and lifting our babies. Of course, we add lots of songs and rhymes to make it extra fun for them.

Babies then have their time to stretch. We use songs and movements to help develop our babies’ bodily awareness, muscle tone, digestive systems, communication etc… the benefits are endless, plus they are spending quality time with you.

Finally, we end the routine with swings and dips. This gives us chance to work our legs and bums, while babies are in our arms, flying and dipping in time to more nursey rhymes.

What I love about the routine, as these are all things that you can take away with you for playtime (and exercise) at home. I can adapt the routine to suit parents who have health conditions or if they are recovering from a c-section or other birth injuries.

After the routine

After either class, you have time for a well-deserved rest and chat. I offer you a hot drink and a snack and you can get to know each other while your baby feeds, sleeps or plays. The class is a whole hour and 15 minutes so that you can take your sweet time. I hate to rush anyone so I make sure the classes are spaced out so nobody feels rushed.

Little extras…

  • Everybody leaves their first baby massage class with their own bottle of organic pressed sunflower seed oil so they can practice at home.

  • I also send out the baby massage handbook to everybody who attends (baby massage and baby yoga). It is written by my training provider, Gayle Berry, who wants to spread the importance of baby massage far and wide.

  • As long as I can (venue dependent), I serve tea, coffee and a snack for free. Every parent needs good caffeine and a treat once in a while.

  • I have a photo plaque so that parents can photograph their babies week on week to see their growth… don’t forget to upload to social media.

You can book Teeny Wonders baby massage and baby yoga classes at 3 venues. I look forward to seeing you there:


Farrington Gurney Village Club

Baby Massage - 10am

Baby Yoga - 11.30am


Fear Hall, Keynsham

Baby Massage - 9.30am

Baby Yoga - 11am


Wonderland Play Café, Bishop Sutton

Baby Massage - 9.30am

Baby Yoga - 10.45am


The wonder of play #2 fine-motor focus